Aquasis Marine Mammals Program (PMM - Programa de Mamíferos Marinhos) is devoted to the study of aquatic mammals occurring in CE, particularly West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) and Guiana Dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), both of which are endangered species with the highest mortality rates in Ceará.
Aquasis PMM is responsible for the rescue and rehabilitation of stranded marine mammals in CE and assessing the cause of death in the event of mortality, also collecting samples for various studies (contaminants, genetics, diet, health, etc.).
Stranded and orphaned manatee calves are translocated to Aquasis Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Center (Centro de Reabilitação de Mamíferos Marinhos) where, after undergoing a successful rehabilitation process, are eventually released back into their natural environment, preferably at or near their place of origin with the objective of helping to reestablish the local population. Cetaceans are preferentially rehabilitated in a natural environment, such as marine estuaries and coastal lagoons.
The Program supports a variety of conservation actions, ranging from beach monitoring to coordinating marine mammal stranding responders in coastal Ceará, with more than 950 animals rescued and cared for over the years.
Conservation strategies are supported by
four axes:
Rescue and Rehabilitation
Public Policy
Environmental Education

Response to strandings of live or dead cetaceans and sirenians in coastal Ceará. 24-hour attendance to calls reporting marine mammal strandings. The rescue team consists of biologists, veterinarians, and volunteers who travel to the stranding location and perform the appropriate procedures according to the status and size of the animal.

Live cetaceans are cared for and treated at the stranding location according to protocol and returned as soon as possible to the natural environment. Stranded West Indian Manatee calves are taken to the CRMM for full rehabilitation and subsequent release.

Translocation refers to the transport of rescued manatees from the CRMM in Caucaia/CE to the Acclimatization Enclosure in Icapuí/CE, so that they can carry out the final phase of their rehabilitation before being reintroduced to their natural environment.

Following an acclimatization period in the open water enclosure in Icapuí/CE, the manatees are outfitted with telemetry devices (GPS and VHF) and released into the wild again.

After acclimatization to a natural environment, the manatees are released with telemetry equipment (GPS and VHF) into the sea in Icapuí to live in the wild.
Watch our
documentary :

Watch the West Indian Manatee cordel, by Aquasis Nature Brigade:

Victor Luz
Project manager

Thais Chaves
Environmental Education Coordinator

Arthur Barbosa
Acclimatization Technician

Aline Ramos
of Rehabilitation

Field Monitor

Beatriz Queiroz

Felipe Catardo
Rescue and Rehabilitation Technician

Ruama Rufino
Field Technique

Franciellen Costa
Técnica de Campo - Monitoramento

Saulo Castro
Environmental Educator

Emerson Pereira
Animal Caretaker
Caio Felipe
Animal Caretaker

Glória Maria
Tratadora de Animais

Animal Caretaker

Reginaldo Oliveira
Animal Caretaker

Iran Costa
Animal Caretaker

Cleilson Santos
Field Monitor

Essenio da Silva
Animal Caretaker

Luíz Fernando
Serviços Gerais

Raimundo Nonato

Katherine Choi
of acclimatization

Alvaro Lucas
System Supervisor
Life Support

Bruno Torres
Acclimatization Technician

Letícia Gonçalves

Andressa Fraga
Rescue and Rehabilitation Technique

Cinthya Leite
Rescue and Rehabilitation Technique

Letícia Gonçalves

Arthur Baptista
Técnico de Campo - Monitoramento

Diego Ramires
Monitoring Technician

Iandra Oliveira
Trainee - Rescue and Rehabilitation

Kellen Melo
Rescue and Rehabilitation Technique

Lucas Pereira
Monitoring Technician

Maria Leonilia
Trainee - Resgate e Reabilitação

Felipe Guerra
Animal Caretaker

Joel Barros
Animal Caretaker

Bianca Moura
Animal Caretaker

Caio Viana
Tratador de Animais

Animal Caretaker

Fábio Victor
Animal Caretaker

General Services

Mario Lopez
Animal Caretaker

Jeferson Souza
Maintenance assistant

Marcelo Augusto
Field Monitor

Fábio Victor
Animal Caretaker

Fábio Victor
Animal Caretaker

Vinicius Rufino
Maintenance Assistant

General Services
General Services